Information Page
Obtain Product Keys & Exam Vouchers from Embold Account Representative
CompTIA Products
Redeeming your access key(s):
1. Go to: https://login.comptia.org/#redeemAccessKeys.
2. Log into your existing CompTIA account or create a new account.
a) If you already have a CompTIA account, just use your email address and password to sign in.
b) If you don’t already have a CompTIA account, click the Sign Up Now button and follow the steps to verify your email address and create a new account.
3. Enter your access key and click Redeem Now
4. Click Access My New Training to go directly to your new product or click View All My Products to see a full list of all your training products.
Accessing Product(s):
To access your product(s) going forward, go to:
We encourage you to bookmark this page for convenience.
CompTIA Exams
Scheduling Exam:
Exams can be scheduled by visiting this link: Pearson Vue CompTIA. You will need to login to your account with Pearson VUE (or create one) and select desired options. At check out, enter the provided voucher code as method of payment.